Martijn Leopold

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  • In reactie op: Rating puzzles #2798
    Martijn Leopold

    0704 Kendoku 6×6 28-02-15 – medium

    In reactie op: Rating puzzles #2797
    Martijn Leopold

    Easy as ABC(DE) 45 (08-02-2015) – hard
    Easy as ABC(DE) 46 (08-02-2015) – hard
    0700 Sudoku XV 26-02-15 – medium

    In reactie op: Rating puzzles #2796
    Martijn Leopold

    Magnets (from 2014 archive)
    16-07-2014 (1) easy/medium
    16-07-2014 (2) easy
    19-08-2014 (1) medium
    19-08-2014 (2) easy

    I’m under the impression that a odd by even sized magnets field (9×10) is easier to solve than a odd-odd (9×9) or even-even (10×10), but they can also be easy just by themselves (all 4 had at least one row in which is was trivial which magnet was to be left blank).

    In reactie op: Rating puzzles #2785
    Martijn Leopold

    A good neighbour is better than a camp site far away…
    0673 Neighbours 6×6 Hns 13-02-15 – easy
    0674 Neighbours 6×6 Hns 13-02-15 – very easy
    0675 Mochikoro 10×10 14-02-15 – very easy (trivial)

    In reactie op: Rating puzzles #2784
    Martijn Leopold

    The irregularity adds a nice touch! I found
    0661 Neighbours 9×9 irregular RS 07-02-15 – hard (4 out of 5)
    0662 Neighbours 9×9 irregular RS 07-02-15 – medium (3 out of 5)

5 berichten aan het bekijken - 1 tot 5 (van in totaal 5)

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